Healiing is for you today
Cancer is one of the most destructive diseases that humans deal with.
There are more than 100 types of cancer. Some say that there are more than 200.
However, when a Christian deals with any cancer, whether in their own body or cancer that is affecting a loved one or friend, we must remember that God is not the cause. Death is not the solution or the healing.
Death entered into the world by sin, and Jesus came that we might have life!
Nothing has changed about this simple truth, and yet people are quick to blame God for disease and death.
It’s easy to blame God for disease and death if you believe that God controls everything or allows everything bad that happens.
It’s also easy to blame God when we don’t understand why bad things happen to us and others.
Here is a fact that I hope you will be able to receive today:
If you choose to believe that God controls everything and allows everything bad that happens to us, then you can’t also believe that Jesus came to give life and life more abundantly. (John 10:10)
You can’t believe two things that are diametrically opposed to one another and claim that what you believe is true.
Either God sent Jesus to save our spirit and kill our bodies or God sent Jesus to bring life and life more abundantly in every part of our being.
(Truth: John 10:10)
Either Jesus came to save, or Jesus came to kill. (Truth: Luke 9:54-56)
Either Jesus came to destroy the world or to destroy the works of the Devil. (Truth: 1 John 3:8)
Either Jesus heals all of or diseases or He causes and allows them.
(Truth: Acts 10:38, Acts 28:8-9, Matthew 8:17)
You say, what about when people aren’t healed?
God’s will isn’t done automatically on the Earth, even though it is clear from the example of Jesus and that of the disciples that God wants everyone healed.
How do we reconcile that everyone isn’t healed, even though the Bible clearly shows Christ and the disciples healing?
A:) We can believe that healing and miracles passed away with the early church.
B:) We can believe that healing is part of the atonement by Christ Jesus and believe for healing despite how things unfold.
Is the power of God not greater than the worst disease on Earth?
Of course it is.
How can we believe in healing when we don’t see consistent results?
How can we tell others that God can heal them but apparently won’t?
These are questions that I’ve wrestled with, and I’ve read quite a few answers that others have provided.
I don’t like the answers that have been given.
Here are a few of the commonly believed reasons to WHY PEOPLE ARENT HEALED.
Some say that it is a lack of faith in the part of the person praying that prevents healing.
(They often cite: Mark 9:17-18 in which the disciples could not cast out the demon afflicting a boy.)
Some say that it is a lack of faith in the part of the sick person that prevents healing.
(They often cite: Mark 6:4-5 in which Jesus could do not mighty works because of their unbelief. Let’s not forget that it says that while Jesus could do no “mighty” works, He still healed a few people.
Some say that it is others around the sick person that do not have faith and can hinder the healing.
(They often cite: Mark 5:39-40 where people made such laughter at Jesus in disbelief that He had to put them out of the house before He raised the little girl from the dead.)
Some say that it is unconfessed sin that prevents healing.
(They often cite: John 9:1-2 where the Disciples asked Jesus if the blind man had sinned or his parents. Jesus answered them and said “Neither”.)
If unconfessed sin blocked healing, then no one would be able to receive healing. None of us HAVE confessed or even CAN confess every sin.
Some say that God gave the person sickness for a purpose, so God’s grace is sufficient to suffer it.
(They often cite: John 9:1-1 claiming that God gives people sickness so that He can heal them and get glory from it. However, it seems that Jesus was merely refocusing their attention on how this situation is an opportunity to bring glory to God and not an opportunity to focus on sin. Their focus was in the wrong direction.
They also quote 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 and falsely claim that Paul was afflicted with a sickness from God. They claim that he was getting “puffed up” about the revelations he was receiving. They also say that God gave Paul a sickness and refused to heal him so that Paul would stay humble. It would take another article to fully explain, but Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” wasn’t sickness at all.
Additionally, they will also cite the entire book of Job as evidence that God afflicts believers and allows Satan to harm us, while conveniently leaving out the fact that Job and all that Job had were under Satan’s dominion already, and that God had no covenant or promise with Job.
It was only God’s grace that kept Satan from killing Job.
Some say that demons are the root cause of the sickness and that the person praying has not fasted and prayed enough to be able to cast them out.
(They often cite: Mark 9:28-29 where Jesus says that “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” They believe that Jesus is referring to the demon, but He is actually referring to unbelief.)
Everyone seems to have an opinion (always based on scripture, right?) about why people don’t always receive a healing or a miracle.
Faith, sin, lifestyle, demonic oppression, God’s greater purpose, God’s timing, God’s sovereignty are just a few reasons that are commonly used.
The great question of “Why we aren’t always healed” may never be answered while we live on Earth.
You can chase after formulas, prayer chains, healing waters, healing meetings and many other possibilities, but Jesus just said to BELIEVE.
Over and over again, Jesus reminded the disciples to just BELIEVE.
BELIEVING even when a healing doesn’t seem to be happening isn’t foolishness.
Seeking medical help doesn’t mean that you stop believing for a healing.
Death is NOT a victory over sickness and Death is NOT a method that God uses for anything good.
If we learn anything from Jesus and His example of the Father’s heart, understand that God is about giving life, not death.
How can we comprehend why God doesn’t intervene in death, even when babies and children die from disease?
I believe that we aren’t meant to understand why.
We are meant to BELIEVE in spite of the circumstances and even in spite of death.
Medical science cannot offer TRUE HOPE, only possibilities and probabilities of outcomes.
Without the HOPE that is in Christ for healing that our faith gives us, our soul becomes sick along with our bodies.
When our soul becomes sick, the outcome is all but certain: Faith dies.
If you need medical aid or surgery, don’t give up on hope for a healing.
With many medical procedures comes a recovery time, and your recovery can be smoother and shorter when God’s healing comes to you.
I have received many healings, and I have prayed for people who have also been healed.
I have not been healed of every issue in my body, but it will never convince me that God doesn’t heal today, or that He doesn’t want me healed.
I have heard that in other less-developed countries, people receive healings so much faster and easier than in the United States.
I believe it is because we have a culture of both medicine, death and vain religion in America.
We have years and years of garbage and wrong believing in our minds to bypass in order for our faith to be expressed in purity, without unbelief.
Unbelief is by far our biggest issue in receiving healing, and our bodies respond to what we believe, not what we fail to believe in.
I’m praying that anyone who reads this will receive their healing, and never stop believing that God heals today.
I pray that you won’t blame God for your sickness, nor for your lack of healing.
It is God’s will that you live free from pain and sickness.
It is God’s will that Satan’s work in your life be destroyed, and that every sickness has to leave your body.
God is the giver of healing and life. Sin and Satan bring about death.
I pray that God will guide you in your decisions and help you to make better choices for your health.
In Jesus name. Amen.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard