The disciples pointed out to Jesus that they rebuked a person that was believing on Christ, but not following Him in the same way that they were.
Likewise, Christians today like to gloat about “standing up for God”, “taking a stand on the Word”, or “rebuking in love” another believer that doesn’t share their doctrinal beliefs.
It didn’t work out too well for the disciples.
Jesus wasn’t impressed.
Why do we think He would be pleased with our gloating, especially on social media like Facebook or from the pulpit?
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
If you are in Christ Jesus, you are an “object of Grace”.
He has made you His object of Grace by transforming your spirit into a new creation.
He has placed His seal upon you with the Holy Spirit and you belong to Him.
You are the living, breathing representative of God’s Grace in the Earth.
You personify Grace.
You exude Grace.
Grace lives in you and through you to others.
Don’t be discouraged.
Don’t doubt God’s love for you.
You ARE Grace.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Some people stand behind you because they support you.
Others stand behind you because they know that whatever is coming…It’s going to hit you first.
We need discernment to know who is supporting us, and who is using us as a human shield.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard

We never seem to live as holy as we try.

That is the lesson that the Mosaic Law teaches us: the harder we try to keep the Law, the less we are able to keep it.

When Grace is revealed in us, we should stop trying to live up to a standard that we can’t meet and truly start living free of guilt and free from sin.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

We were not designed to be able to do everything by our own strength.
Even the disciples were sent in pairs.

When we are alone, Christ is always with us in Spirit working with us to do the things that we cannot do alone.

Together with Chris, we can do all things by His power.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

Fear cancels out faith.

You can empower fear with your faith by perceiving it to have power in your imagination that it doesn’t really have.

When you do that, you are giving fear and the Devil a foothold in your mind.

We must cast down such imaginations that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God by Christ Jesus.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

You cannot base a belief or a set of beliefs on scriptures taken out of context and expect God to honor your ignorance of His Word. 
Because He is faithful, however, He honors our faith, even when it is based on something that we fail to understand or have completely wrong.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

Sin-consciousness is believing that anything you do that is wrong has an effect on being in right-standing with God.

Self-righteousness is believing that anything you do that is good has an effect on being in right-standing with God.

Both are ARROGANCE, and neither affect your right-standing with God.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard