Friends, we may ask someone to change their habits
We may encourage someone to change their doctrine.
We may implore someone to leave the bondage of religion behind.
But we must endeavor to never require that they change their faith.
When I say “faith”, I’m not talking about their religion.
I’m talking about the faith that they have; the faith that they actively use to connect with God. The very same faith that we all share in Christ which they choose to express differently.
Why is this so important?
Because God honors their faith!
When they are free in Christ, He honors their faith.
When they are oppressed of the Devil, He honors their faith.
When they are torn, worn and forlorn, God honors their faith!
Hear me saints!
Hear me Bishops, teachers, preachers and apostles!
He honors their faith!
When they are wrong, He still honors their faith.
When you and I are wrong, and we’ve got Him misunderstood and we’ve got His Word twisted and warped in our own heads, guess what?
He honors our faith too!
So don’t tell them that they need to change one thing about their faith, unless you seek to destroy it.
You can encourage, you can implore and you can try and present a better way, but God forbid if you present it in such a fashion that you pull the rug of faith out from under them.
It is the only thing that keeps their feet planted on solid ground.
BY: Bishop Joshua Maynard