A word for the New Year:
“I told you what to do. You haven’t done what I told you to do. Go back and figure out what I told you to do.”
Some folks get words like this going into the new year and believe they are from God, having not even be slightest clue what He allegedly told them to do.
Folks, God isn’t “The Riddler”.
“Holy Horoscopes Batman!”
Folks, you would probably get a clearer message from a horoscope than a riddle from a preacher, and yet it wouldn’t be any better.
You don’t need a word from someone else.
You don’t need someone to speak to God on your behalf.
You don’t need a Moses to deliver God’s message to you.
The Holy Spirit is your direct connection to the Father.
Quiet yourself and listen to God’s voice within.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard