Doesn’t the old hymn say
“The world before me
The cross behind me”?
No, it actually says exactly the opposite.
Yes, instead of going into all the world, many have been stuck on a chorus and a course that leads away from the world, and back to the point of their conversion, the cross.
If you are a born again believer and the cross is still “before” you or “in front of” you today, then you are going in the wrong direction!
The world is not waiting at the cross for you to reach them, and the cross is not waiting for you to climb up on it and die to yourself daily!
The cross was Christ’s to bear, and He bore it once and for all time, for you!
Did I forget to mention that AFTER the cross, Christ rose again?
He didn’t rise again so that He could climb back onto the cross and get away from the world.
He rose again so that we could go INTO the world!
The cross behind us, the world before us!
Get your spirit, soul and body moving in the right direction, and NO TURNING BACK!
– Bishop Joshua Maynard