It seems easy to poke holes in the beliefs of others.
You can claim the absurdity of virgins waiting for you in paradise, divine words given by an angel on golden tablets or reincarnation as an animal among other things.
Silly, right?
All the while forgetting that as a Christian, you believe in a God that made the Earth in 7 days; a snake that talked; a tree with divine fruit; a flood that covered the Earth and killed everyone except a single family and two of every animal in a big boat; the Son of God that was born of a virgin who was impregnated by the Holy Spirit; that same Son of God who then killed Himself for mankind and raised Himself back to life and ascended into the clouds.
No, we must come to terms with how absurd these beliefs we hold so dear must sound to others and let go of our pretentious arrogance.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard