When someone in a less-developed country takes on the name of an Old Testament prophet or patriarch, you can be certain of two things.
  1. They weren’t preached the Gospel.
  2. They are trying to live under a covenant that has been done away with.
We have a greater power and the results of a better covenant than any Old Testament patriarch or prophet could have dreamed of.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard

God’s will is not automatically done.

God is not willing that people perish. People Perish.

God wants everyone healed. People aren’t all healed.

God wants everyone free from oppression of the Devil. People stay oppressed.

Even Jesus had a choice and said, “Not my will, but thine be done.”

You have been given dominion and authority over all the power of the enemy.

Will you use it?

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

God did not cause you to fall behind on your bills, your car to break down, make you lose your job or put sickness on you for not paying your tithes.

It’s time we stop blaming God for everything bad that happens to us.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

God did not allow someone that you love to die an untimely death so that they might go to heaven before they fall from grace, or so their friends or family might come to salvation at the funeral.

It’s time we not only stop blaming God for death, but also stop thanking Him for it as well.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

God did not “rig” the lottery machine, the slot machine, the deck of cards, the roulette wheel, the horse race or your fantasy football game to keep you from winning.

It’s time we stop blaming God for getting suckered out of our money.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

I preach forgiveness, but I’m not a Catholic priest.
I preach Repentance, but I’m not a holiness preacher.
I preach Grace, but I’m not a Universalist.
I preach Words of Faith, but I’m not a Word of Faith preacher.
I preach Healing, but I’m not a healing ministry.
I preach Favor, but I’m not a Prosperity preacher.
I preach the Gospel and Christ alone defines me.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard

Being a SAINT or a SINNER isn’t about:

The curse words you speak.

The alcohol you consume.

The friends you hang out with.

The music you listen to.

The addictions you struggle with.

The wife/husband you choose to marry.

It’s about whether or not you allow God’s love and Christ’s life to live in you and through you to others.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

While we may be called upon to serve, we are not just SERVANTS.

While God is friendly towards us, we are not just FRIENDS.

While we are “bought with a price”, we are not just SLAVES.

Servants, Friends and Slaves are not the same as FAMILY.

We are God’s SONS and DAUGHTERS.
We are God’s FAMILY.
When you think of yourself as anything else, you settle for less than you deserve.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

Jesus didn’t come to raise up a Christian government.

The Gospel is not political.

If you are going to bring Christianity into politics and government, you be certain of one thing: Those pushing the agenda are not particularly representing the Gospel or the Kingdom.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard

Man excels at finding things we must DO to BECOME or STAY saved.

Yet God has proclaimed that in His Son, we ARE saved.

SAVED is what we ARE, not what we DO or DON’T DO.

We ARE Him and He is us. We are ONE. We ARE Salvation.

– Bishop Joshua Maynard