People are always trying to get more faith, build their faith and take hold of someone else’s faith instead of believing in the faith they’ve already been given by God.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
People are always trying to get more faith, build their faith and take hold of someone else’s faith instead of believing in the faith they’ve already been given by God.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
We never seem to live as holy as we try.
That is the lesson that the Mosaic Law teaches us: the harder we try to keep the Law, the less we are able to keep it.
When Grace is revealed in us, we should stop trying to live up to a standard that we can’t meet and truly start living free of guilt and free from sin.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
God has a purpose for everyone.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
We were not designed to be able to do everything by our own strength.
Even the disciples were sent in pairs.
When we are alone, Christ is always with us in Spirit working with us to do the things that we cannot do alone.
Together with Chris, we can do all things by His power.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Fear cancels out faith.
You can empower fear with your faith by perceiving it to have power in your imagination that it doesn’t really have.
When you do that, you are giving fear and the Devil a foothold in your mind.
We must cast down such imaginations that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God by Christ Jesus.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
You cannot base a belief or a set of beliefs on scriptures taken out of context and expect God to honor your ignorance of His Word.
Because He is faithful, however, He honors our faith, even when it is based on something that we fail to understand or have completely wrong.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Sin-consciousness is believing that anything you do that is wrong has an effect on being in right-standing with God.
Self-righteousness is believing that anything you do that is good has an effect on being in right-standing with God.
Both are ARROGANCE, and neither affect your right-standing with God.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
God calls us to a holier way of living; not as requirement; rather, as a natural expression of His Grace in us.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Fearfully serving God is not the same as respectfully serving God.
Slaves serve out of fear.
Servants serve out of respect.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
He who can called you has also qualified you.
He sees your potential and He can handle your perceived inadequacies.
He takes our inadequacies and not only makes them adequate, but He also makes them abundant.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
God’s covenant is with Himself, not with you.
That means there is nothing you can do to mess it up.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
People often pray for advancement and prosperity who aren’t ready for the responsibility that comes along with the blessing.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
People often pray for advancement and prosperity who aren’t prepared for it when it shows up on their doorstep.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Your dissatisfaction could be God’s call to action.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
We are called to share the “Good News”; not to point out all of the bad news in people’s lives.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Faith comes from God.
We live by the faith of the Son of God.
It is not by your own strength that you have faith.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Peace affirms faith.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Your determination confirms your faith.
If you aren’t determined about something, don’t go around saying you have faith for it.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Sometimes you have to have faith that you have faith.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Man was not designed to die.
Every part of our being fights to live.
God did not create death. Death is an enemy of God.
He is not in it.
Jesus conquered death.
Don’t say then that God takes lives.
He is not sovereignly taking lives.
Death entered into the world because of sin.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
2 Timothy 3:16-17 – “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
These verses start with “All scripture”, but what is “All scripture”? Paul and other New Testament believers had the Old Testament as their scriptures. “All” as it is used here in the Greek means “every”. It is given by inspiration of God and that translated literally means “God-breathed”.
Just as God breathed life into man, it is said that the scriptures were breathed into man by the Holy Spirit to be written. Jesus quoted the Old Testament scriptures and bore witness to their authenticity.
This means that the scriptures were written with a divine quality and that they were not interpreted by the writers.
The Bible is profitable for “doctrine” means that we can learn it and believe it, trusting in the One who gave the Word.
The Bible is profitable for “reproof” meaning that it reproves our wrong ways of thinking, believing and acting. Next, the scripture says it is profitable for “correction”. Reproof and correction go hand-in-hand. This “correction” can be translated to mean “conviction” or “evidence”. So in convicting us of our wrongdoing, does it provide evidence against us or for us? Perhaps both! In providing evidence that we have violated God’s law, the Bible also qualifies us as forgiven and righteous by the perfection of the law in Christ Jesus. By giving us not just the problem, but also the solution, we are able to apply what we learn and correct our way of thinking.
The scriptures then go on to say “for instruction in righteousness”. This is not to mean just “instruction” or “teaching” but also discipline. It takes discipline to build character, courage and good habits. The word used here for discipline, “paideian”, means “training through correction” which is different than “paideuō” used elsewhere in the New Testament which means “training through punishment”.
If we read the Bible without the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, we are liable to see judgment and punishment when God wants us to see mercy and grace.
You see, the Bible is not about training us through punishment. It is about raining us in the ways to live rightly by educating us.
Righteousness used here is not particularly about living a moral and ethical way, but specifically in belonging to God and submitting yourself under his Lordship.
You are righteous because He is your God, He is your Lord and you are His child.
“that the man of God may be perfect” refers to something suitable, usable or capable. While most people see “perfect” and think of “perfection”, I think you would be hard-pressed to find any Christian that feels they are “perfect” or even close to it.
Therefore, let’s just accept that maybe this scripture is referring to the “man of God” being made suitable, usable and capable.
When we know the scriptures and know God’s Word, we are suitable, usable and capable of doing the will of God, whatever that may be.
None of us remember as many scriptures as we would like to, and it certainly takes practice to keep them fresh in our minds. Don’t judge yourself to be unworthy or incapable of doing what God has called you to do. He will always make a way for you when you step out in faith and are doing His will.
The scripture goes on to say, “throughly furnished unto all good works”.
We are fully equipped with everything we need when we are sent out to do God’s work.
He is faithful and we must remember to have faith in ourselves as well. Not that we are capable of doing His will on our own, but we realize that we are never “on our own” because He is with us and in us, and His Spirit empowers us for every good work.
Religion cries out for Judgment.
The Gospel cries out for Mercy and Love.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Christians preoccupied about the sin in others deny the perfect sacrifice for sin which is Christ.
You cannot love you neighbor and hate their sin.
Don’t fool yourself.
You will yell at your neighbor, shun your neighbor, condemn your neighbor and in no way love your neighbor.
You will hate your neighbor.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
Some say that it is a lack of faith in the part of the person praying that prevents healing.
(They often cite: Mark 9:17-18 in which the disciples could not cast out the demon afflicting a boy.)
A church that is not teaching discipleship to people for ministry or at the very least empowering them with Truth is merely a social club for those who want to follow a set of tradition and rules.
It is often absent of the True and Living God and His overcoming Power.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard
If you need someone to validate what you THINK God told you to do, then you either have a hearing problem or God never told you to do what you THINK He said.
– Bishop Joshua Maynard