30 Days of Truth
Day 8 – relationship over ministry
If we study the Word, there is nothing that tells us that all believers were called to preach, or minister, or build congregations, or proselyte or anything but to let God love them and love others through them.
The modern church has assumed that the “great commission” applies to all of us, and yet evangelism has failed to do what it claims to do.
Christians are more powerless than ever, rotting in fruitless religious organizations that suck their emotions, spirits and finances dry.
People are “guilted” into ministry service that only serves their self-serving leadership.
One of best things you can do, as either a new or seasoned believer on Christ, is to seek God for His plan for your life.
People may try to tell you God’s plan for your life, but they can’t.
If they say that they can, they are a liar.
You aren’t being “tested” by God to give your “testimony” later.
There are people serving in ministry that have no business being in ministry.
There are self-proclaimed “prophets of God” that are reinforcing tired religious traditions and pronouncing negative, damaging curses upon people.
2 Peter 1:10 KJV
[10] Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:
Service in ministry is good, if that is your calling. Be sure of your calling!
Relationship with God is all He really wants.