30 Days of Truth

Day 6 – he lives so we live

Romans 10:9 KJV

[9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Most Christians know this scripture, even if they don’t know the Book, Chapter or Verse reference that contains it.

Why is this belief essential to our new birth in Christ?

After all, before Christ died, some people were counted as being “saved”, but they could not become born again until after Christ sent the Holy Spirit.

These people did not need to believe that Christ would be raised from the dead in order to be saved, nor could they. They even found it difficult to believe that He would even allow Himself to die.

Are we held to a higher standard of belief than even the Apostles that witnessed these miraculous events firsthand?

I don’t believe that we are held to a higher standard of belief.

However, I do believe that the writer of Romans (and Hebrews, for that matter) wanted to impart a critical aspect of understanding the Object of our faith, so that our joy could be “made full”.

Without believing that God could raise His own Son from the dead, we are left believing in a God that left Jesus in the grave.

If we can’t believe that Christ rose from the dead, how can we believe in what He preached?

How can we have faith to believe in healing, or that Christ ever raised anyone else from the dead?

How can we even believe in His sinless life or His virgin birth?

When Christ died, our sin died with Him. It’s gone. It is forgiven and forgotten.

Because He lives, we can live eternally as well. We can be assured that He is not rotting in the grave like everyone else, but alive and giving life eternal to all that call upon Him.

The same God that raised Him from the dead, has given us the same power inside our born-again spirits.

If God never raised Christ up from the dead, then we have no power, no hope and no promise of eternal life.

I believe that He raised Christ from the dead. I choose to believe in our God of miracles.

Do you believe?