30 Days of Truth
Day 5 – we are blessed
Ephesians 1:3 KJV
[3] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
Many Christians believe that this and other similar scriptures mean that we are blessed with every blessing written in the Bible, or that we are blessed with anything we could want in this world.
As good as that may sound, it isn’t the truth.
Fortunately, the truth is better than we can possibly imagine.
This scripture is a wonderful statement about our relationship with God.
Some who preach a prosperity-for-everyone message would disagree that we are not blessed to receive the best that this world offers us.
Make no mistake, I believe that God always wants the best things for us.
Yet, the best blessings are not those that this world offers, but those that God has already given us through Christ Jesus.
Spirit is spirit and Flesh is flesh.
When the scripture says we are blessed with all spiritual blessings, stop adding to it with things that it doesn’t say. We are not promised in this scripture to be blessed with a big-screen TV, blessed to win the lottery, blessed to get a Ferrari or blessed to get anything material, financial or anything else that is not spiritual.
I’m not saying that you cannot work hard and obtain material wealth or that God doesn’t prosper us.
I’m saying that God doesn’t promise material wealth in this scripture.
You cannot base a belief or a set of beliefs on a scripture that is taken out of context and expect God to honor your ignorance of His Word.
Now that I’ve talked about what we aren’t promised, what are some of the spiritual blessings that we ARE blessed with?
We are God’s children and have been adopted/grafted into the family of God.
We have been redeemed and are born again in the spiritual image of Christ.
Our sins and the sins of the world were dealt with once and for all at the cross.
We have received the down payment of our eternal inheritance which is the Holy Spirit.
We have been given the same power that raised Christ from the dead.
We have authority through the name of Jesus over all the power of Satan and his demons.
We have been promised an eternal salvation and everlasting life that begins as soon as we believe.
Material wealth is comfortable and nice, but it passes away.
What we have been promised and already blessed with will last forever.
While you can’t take spiritual blessings to the bank, you can surely bank on them.
God said it, and all you have to do is believe it and receive it.