30 Days of Truth

Day 23 – imitate god, not people

Have you ever heard someone cough in church, and it seems like several more people have to cough after them?

Have you ever seen someone yawn, or even heard them yawn over the phone and it makes you feel like yawning as well?

Have your ever followed the car in front of you, even when they don’t stay in the lane?

The human response system is designed to follow the examples of others, even to a fault.

Yet this response system is how we learn to walk, talk, read, write and believe.

However, beliefs about God and who we are in Christ must be individually chosen for ourselves and not based on the faith, experiences or beliefs of others.

Being so conditioned from birth to follow the example of others, it is not easy to think for ourselves in matters of faith.

As a result, the illusion of believing that we think for ourselves is everywhere in Christianity today.

Many Christians believe certain doctrines because they are convinced of them by others, but not because they have studied the Bible and have allowed the Holy Spirit to teach them.

They are so blinded by the illusion of their uniquely individual faith, that convincing them of the need to study what they believe and question the consensus of others is not easy.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to know who YOU are IN Christ, if all you know about Christ is what others have told you.

Job made this mistake, and he believed things about God that weren’t true.

Job 1:21 KJV

[21] And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

On the surface, this scripture sounds like truth, except that the Lord took absolutely nothing away from Job.

Satan took everything that Job had, and yet Job attributed his loss to God.

God didn’t allow Satan to take from Job. Everything that Job had was within Satan’s dominion upon the Earth.

It was only by God’s mercy that Satan was commanded not to take Job’s life, because even Job’s life was under Satan’s dominion.

Job was wrong in accusing the Lord of taking away from Him, and he admitted to saying such things in ignorance.

Job 42:3-5 KJV

[3] Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not. [4] Hear, I beseech thee, and I will speak: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. [5] I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.

Job only knew of what others had said about God, and so he had formed his own opinions of God’s character and nature without actually knowing God personally.

Christians are still making this mistake, even today!

We form our own opinions about who God is, how He operates and even who He loves and doesn’t love.

How arrogant for us to believe that God withholds His love from sinners, or to pass judgment on those for whom Christ died.

Without knowing God for ourselves and seeking out the truth of His nature and character, it is easy to form beliefs and attitudes that are not Christ-like.

Studying the Word of God can require study materials, and not everyone can afford those materials. Does this mean that they are incapable of understanding who they are in Christ?

No! It means that those who have the materials and understanding of scripture must share what they have learned and teach!

We don’t need preachers that repeat old traditions and surface-level interpretations of scripture.

We need teachers of the Word who will reveal the truth about God with inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

If you have learned about who God is and who you are in Christ, there is someone that God has placed in your path that you can share with.

For some of you, God has given you a larger sphere of influence, and you have the potential of leading many people into true discipleship with Christ.

If you don’t know of anyone that you can share your faith with, ask God to open up an opportunity for you, and then listen to the voice of the Lord to guide you into that opportunity.

Remember that you can’t give what you don’t have.

It is important that you know who you are in Christ before you try and tell others who they can be in Christ.

If you don’t have a revelation of who God is and who you are in Christ, you will be like Job, uttering words that you don’t understand, and talking about a God that you truly don’t know for yourself.