30 Days of Truth

Day 19 – life not death

Matthew 8:16 KJV

[16] When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:

Matthew 12:15 KJV

[15] …and he healed them all;

Luke 6:19 KJV

[19] …and healed them all.


He has given us the same power that raised Him from the dead!

How can we say that God doesn’t heal?

How can we believe that God doesn’t want us well?

A popular song on the radio says, “What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise”

How can we believe this?

Is our God not better than Satan?

Jesus said in John 10:10, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Jesus came that we might have life, and not just life, but ABUNDANT LIFE!

Jesus came to bring us life that overflows out of us to others.

Life that leaves no room for sickness.

Life that is more than enough.

God can give us a way out of tragedies, but God doesn’t cause them.

God can give us grace to deal with the issues of life, but God doesn’t want us to have those issues.

God is not involved in the business of death.

God is in the LIFE business.

Repeat after me:

Satan and sin are Death.

Jesus is LIFE and LIFE more ABUNDANTLY!

Let us not confuse these truths any longer.

God does not always prevent evil from afflicting us. It isn’t because He doesn’t love us, it is because we were given dominion over the Earth and WE ALLOWED Satan to take it from us.

Evil prevails where good people do nothing to stop it.

We must be vigilant, because Satan wants to take our lives.

God wants us to live long and fruitful lives and so He has provided for our physical healing in Christ.

He has provided for our leadership by the Holy Spirit.

God has provided for everything we need to not only survive, but to thrive. But WE have to choose LIFE.

If we believe that God allowed trouble to come to us, or that He intentionally and purposefully brought trouble to us, then we cannot have faith in Him to be the solution.

I saw a bundle package in the store that contained both glue and hand wipes together. The glue necessitated the wipes to clean up its mess.

Just like that bundle, Christians tend to believe that God is bundling tragedy and pain with blessing and healing. That’s like a doctor that breaks your arm and then offers to heal it.

God doesn’t tempt us with sin, and He doesn’t test us.

Life brings about tests which our faith must overcome.

Why do we believe that there must be some “higher purpose” to tragedy?

Why must we believe that God has a plan in both our sicknesses and in our death?

It may be comforting to believe that God is in control of everything that happens on the Earth, but that is a lie of Satan.

If God were in control, millions of Jews wouldn’t have died at the hands of the Nazi’s.

God isn’t a murderer.

If God were in control, journalists and foreigners wouldn’t be getting beheaded in faraway countries by religious extremists.

God is not in control of everything, and He doesn’t cause the pain and suffering and death in this world!

I’ve heard it said by some that they believe God allowed them to go through hardship so they would have a testimony.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t need to be drug addict, a criminal, a victim, a sick or crippled person to HAVE a testimony.

I don’t believe for one second that God “allows” or causes people to go through hardship for a later “testimony”.

God is not the twisted or perverted God that most Christians believe that He is.

Frankly, we should be ashamed for believing that God has any part in evil, when He rejoices in righteousness and expects us to do no less.

God wants us to be more like Him in our beliefs and actions, not believe that He is more like us and Satan.

If you are believing for a healing, keep believing, because God wants you well!

Jesus healed everyone, and He did His Father’s will!

God wants us to live to proclaim His goodness, not to suffer for some “greater purpose”.