30 Days of Truth

Day 17 – choose christ or sin

Genesis 4:7 KJV

[7] If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.

Cain was angry and he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life and kill his brother.

God came to Cain, asked him why he was angry and reminded him that if he would do what was right, God would find him acceptable as well. God told Cain that sin was waiting for the opportunity to take hold of him, but that Cain was to be master over sin.

Here, Sin is referred to as “he”.

“Sin” has a name, and that name is Satan.

Just as God IS Love, Satan IS Sin.

Satan is the author of sin, and when a person commits sin, they are acting under the influence of Satan’s nature and spirit.

God wasn’t angry with Cain, and God wasn’t even upset that Cain was angry. God was concerned because Cain was close to allowing sin to take over.

The double-meaning of this scripture is not only to say that “sin” was waiting at the door for Cain, but that also a “sin-offering” was at the door for Cain.

Cain could have chosen to bring the proper sin-offering like his brother, and he could have had mastery over sin’s desire for him.

Jesus has crucified our sin in His flesh and has raised us up to be sinless in our born-again spirit.

We don’t have to try and master sin, Jesus dealt with sin once and for all and placed it under His feet.

That doesn’t mean that our actions can’t be sinfully inspired, it just means that sin has lost its power over us.

So why do Christians continue to act sinfully?

We have been slaves to a sinful nature, and deep in our soul, we don’t know any other way to be.

We have to allow God’s word to each of us to live according to Christ’s nature in us, and not according to old or new habits of sin and it’s desire for us.

Ultimately, God’s standard of love is to be our guideline for everything we do.

Unconditional love keeps no record of sin.

God keeps no record of our sins, but He graciously compels us and empowers us to live free of sin.

We CAN choose to let Christ live through us, or we can choose to live according to sin. Sin leads to death.

God wants us to choose Life and continue choosing Life every day in everything we say and do.