30 Days of Truth

Day 11 – god wants you well

Matthew 8:16-17 KJV

[16] When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: [17] That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.

Jesus made the way for our physical healing, even before He went to the whipping post or the cross.

God’s willingness to heal was actually pre-New Covenant!

Jesus healed everyone that came to Him!

Jesus healed sinners!

No one was righteous.

It is commonly believed that Jesus healed these people so that they would spread the news of Him and the Kingdom of God, but there is no evidence of such a motive.

In fact, Jesus specifically told some of the people that He healed NOT to talk about their healing with others.

Some people today believe that God allows sickness to come upon us so that we can learn to have faith under pressure. Yet Jesus never put sickness on anyone.

Some today believe that God allows people to be sick so that when they are healed, they will have a testimony to preach about.

Again, Jesus never told anyone that their healing was for a testimony.

Why do we have to try and give sickness a divine purpose?

Why do we have to try and give divine healing an ulterior motive?

Why do we have to misinterpret Jesus and His actions and create doctrines that are untrue?

Can we not just accept that God wants us healed?

Can we not just believe that God would never make us sick or use sickness?

God’s willingness to heal has no hidden motive.

God loves us so much that He wants our bodies to be healed from sicknesses and diseases ALWAYS!

God does not use sickness and healing as teaching tools or for manipulation.

God healed us when we didn’t deserve healing.

Don’t ever believe that you are not being healed because you aren’t doing everything right.

God healed people that were doing everything wrong.

God wants us well, and it isn’t so that we will work for Him or have a testimony.

God wants us well because He loves us so much.